Emine Yıldırım


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Emine’s Research Page

I am interested in representation theory of algebras, cluster algebras, their categorifications, and related combinatorics. Here is my CV. Below is a list of my papers and here is the link to the ArXiv versions.

  1. [arXiv] C. Paquette, J. D. Rock, and E. Yıldırım, Categories of generalized thread quivers, arXiv:2410.14656.

  2. [arXiv] K. Baur, L. Bittmann, E. Gunawan, G. Todorov and E. Yıldırım, Infinite friezes of affine type D, arXiv:2407.11232.

  3. [arXiv] I. Le and E. Yıldırım, Cluster Categorification of Rank 2 Webs, arXiv:2402.14501.

  4. [arXiv] A. Felikson, P. Tumarkin and E. Yıldırım, Polytopal realizations of non-crystallographic associahedra, arXiv:2401.08285. Accepted for publication in Algebraic Combinatorics.

  5. [published] E. Kantarcı Oğuz and E. Yıldırım, Cluster Expansions: T-walks, Labeled Posets and Matrix Calculations, Journal of Algebra (2025), Vol. 669, pp. 183-219.

  6. [arXiv] R. Marczinzik, H. Thomas, and E. Yıldırım, On the interaction of the Coxeter transformation and the Rowmotion bijection, arXiv:2201.04446 (accepted to Journal of Combinatorial Algebra, DOI 10.4171/JCA/101).

  7. [published] C. Paquette and E. Yıldırım, Completions Of Discrete Cluster Categories Of Type A, Transactions of the London Mathematical Society (2021), 8(1), 35–64. https://doi.org/10.1112/tlm3.12025

  8. [published] V. Bazier-Matte, G. Douville, A. Garver, R. Patrias, H. Thomas, and E. Yıldırım, Leading Terms of SL_3 Web Invariants, International Mathematics Research Notices, (2020), rnaa110. https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnaa110

  9. [published] V. Bazier-Matte, N. Chapelier-Laget, G. Douville, K. Mousavand, H. Thomas, and E. Yıldırım, ABHY Associahedra and Newton Polytopes of F-polynomials for finite type cluster algebras. Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2) (2024), 109 (1), Paper No. e12817, 27. https://doi.org/10.1112/jlms.12817

  10. [published] E. Yıldırım, The Coxeter Transformation on Cominuscule Posets. Algebra and Representation Theory, Vol. 22 (2019), No. 3, pp. 699-722. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10468-018-9795-3

  11. [published] T. Brüstle, G. Douville, K. Mousavand, H. Thomas, and E. Yıldırım, On the combinatorics of gentle algebras, Canadian Journal of Mathematics (2019), 1-30. https://doi:10.4153/S0008414X19000397.

  12. [published] T. Ozen and E. Yıldırım, X-Injective and X-Projective Complexes. Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.Vol. 42 (2016), No. 5, pp. 1221-1235.

Other prints

K. Baur and E. Yıldırım, Cluster Algebras, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics 2nd edition, book title: Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, 2023.

Cluster Expansion via matrices, Oberwolfach Report for Cluster Algebras and Its Applications, 2024.

Webs and Gr(3,n), Oberwolfach Report for the Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Cluster Algebras, 2023.